Juice Energy, Green Mountain, Sterling Planet, and other renewable energy suppliers. There are doubts about the commercial success of such plants. At the moment there is only one under construction and another planned firmly. The promoters themselves recognize that as a new project, ignored as the market reacted to.
Nuclear Energy price decreases in power is the power, which makes builders tend to make increasing reactors. However this has left a gap in the market for small jets that could be useful in remote areas where transportation of large quantities of fossil fuels is not feasible. It is believed that the reactors are not profitable under 20 MW, which leaves the plants floating just slightly above that threshold and at a distinct disadvantage with some other more powerful models. However the possibility of building in series can significantly reduce its price and making them competitive.
The main advantage of the KLT-40 is that they have proven their reliability in ships fitted. RosEnergoAtom plans to have seven vessels operating in Russia since 2015 and suggests that demand may exceed the capacity building of the yard. The atomic energy agency has noted that at least 12 countries (including Algeria, Argentina, Cape Verde, Canada, China, Indonesia and Malaysia) have shown interest in acquiring.
However, the fact that the reactor was designed during the Soviet Union aroused doubts among potential foreign buyers. The application for export to countries such as Cape Verde questionable ability to raise suspicions that it is actually a attempt to make a competitive basis to build them in large quantities. Wake up this claim, furthermore, fears about their possible implications on nuclear non-proliferation. Russia has defended these allegations stating that the plants will not be sold abroad, but only the electricity, heat or water produced, with the boat ‘ as well as technology and nuclear material “into Russian hands.