
The processes represent how changes occur. Overt and covert activities are performed by the individual to leave addiction. Tejero (1997) developed a table with 10 processes of change: increased awareness (intensification of information about the problem and the benefits of quitting the addictive behavior), dramatization relief, environmental reevaluation auto-reevaluation, which are the processes of change for move from pre-contemplation to contemplation and the therapist has to affect them if the subject is in this stadium. The action steps involve the use of change processes cognitive, affective and evaluation, social liberation, self-liberation (self-confidence in their skills, self-efficacy), habit reversal, stimulus control and contingency control are essential, in addition to helping relationships to reach the maintenance phase behavior of not drinking. a As an example, demonstrating its friendly atmosphere and their own evaluation on their behavior under the effects of this drug, and / or reevaluation when Charlie gets to have self control and confidence in the health behavior of drinking in moderation. exchange levels refer to what must be changed to cease the conduct adicition. They are 5 and are organized hierarchically: symptoms / situation, maladaptive cognitions, current interpersonal conflicts, family conflicts / systems, intrapersonal conflict.

The transtheoretical approach is usually involved in the first level of change and there will be more likely to happen to stop change addictive behavior, a level well be the main cause of consultation addict, requires less inference because it is the level conscious and second, to be interdependent if you modify one of the levels, the other will also change. In our hypothetical case Charlie has performed at the first level and second level, as discussed below. to summarize, you get a hierarchical model of therapeutic intervention and systematic global approach to treatment through the differential application of the processes of change in each of the five stages depending on the level of the problem of addiction treated, thus obtained three types of intervention strategies: changing the levels based on the symptoms of the addict and situations that keep them, if the process can be applied and the subject is progressing well towards the following stages of change can be completed therapy without requiring a more complex level of analysis. The key level will be used where there is causality in the acquisition or maintenance of addiction, Charlie (social anxiety about their disabilities agree) with your partner, your friends and your Therapeutae to work on this level to get over it. Finally, the maximum impact is used in complicated cases of addiction, where there is a clear involvement of multiple levels as the cause, effect or maintenance of addictive behavior, in this case will be varied interventions to maximize impact, and applied synergistically rather than sequentially. to imagine that Charlie had problems with alcohol addiction for 7 years.