Acne Clinical Treatment

Unsuccessful attempts to treat drug addiction in many clinics in the human soul sow doubt on the possibility of recovery. A faith and a desire to free themselves from drug addict – important components of effective treatment. An introduction to drugs by young people is usually held a similar scenario. The first test of marijuana at a party – this is the first step to drug addiction, since removed the fear of the drug. And then a young man without fear tries more narkogennye drugs. Someone like the effect of strong drugs at once, and someone causes the opposite reaction – feeling unwell. But the man continues to run in this environment, and thus it is likely that experienced "friends" persuaded to take the drug again. And this brings is the use of pleasant sensations.

At this point a person gets into a very dangerous delusion: "Dependencies there, I can always refuse it." those feelings again. And again he uses, and then another and another, until the process is becoming a regular. Meanwhile, developing psychological dependence. Recollections of the pleasure experienced after drinking master man and make again and again to take the drug. Formed by a physical dependence – it appears that once a person wakes up chime and feels unwell, discomfort, chills, sweating, unpleasant sensation in the muscles and joints. He does not understand what happened to him while caring "friends" do not give advice, "you accept the dose, and everything goes." And indeed everything passes. Since then, the drug becomes a sort of "medicine" of malaise, only to the scandals. Parents fight for first child, trying to help him cope with his "weakness" (after all, yet they do not understand that this disease) – close at home, and bringing in drug treatment centers, detoxify the body, and no result. This activity is soon replaced by tears of helplessness.

Thoracic Osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis – a disease in which affected the vertebrae of the thoracic spine. Doctors call the thoracic osteochondrosis "tricky disease." Its very difficult to detect because its symptoms may indicate a heart attack, and in neurology, and angina, and even appendicitis. This is due to the fact that slow-moving thoracic spine, ribs, together with a backbone would form a skeleton. Because of this, in the foreground, complications related to suspected angina or myocardial infarction, or in violation of the respiratory funktsii.Osnovnym symptom of breast pain is osteoarthritis, which is most intense at night, aggravated by vibration, cooling, rotations of the trunk, at least when bending to one side. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Tai chi. Straighten the body accompanied by a sense of fatigue back. Typically, the pain are durable. Sometimes the patient have the impression, as if his chest mites squeezed. It seems that pain is not the waist, and interscapular thoracic osteochondrosis oblast.Pri demonstrates the use of analgesics, and pain after removal of the recommended therapeutic exercise, massage, physiotherapy treatment, underwater traction..

Protect His Back From An Early Age

To save your back to remember a few simple rules. How to properly lift heavy objects: Approach as close as possible to the subject that you need to pick it up. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart to ensure resistance of the body. Bend your knees, tighten your abdominal muscles and begin to slowly raise the weight, strong legs resting on the floor. How to properly carry weight: Right to carry heavy objects. Listen to this advice they can save you from problems eotrye will cost you nerves, money and health.

The rules are simple and accessible in everyday life and does not require an ordinary person of any excess effort or tension, you just them to perform stupid and it becomes a habit, eotoraya will guarantee the health of your back. People often injure muscles, trying to pick up boxes of movies that they found no serious or blank. But in reality, they can be full of books that have a pretty decent weight. First, carefully lift the box. Try to move. If the burden is too great for you, ask for help. How to wear a heaviness in their hands: If you already hold goods in his hands, then gently bend your knees to maintain balance.

Avoid turning the trunk, makes a turn just feet. Carry the load, keeping it as close as possible to yourself. How to make the slopes: if you pick up very light object such as a pencil, which fell to the floor, then bend slightly bent one knee and relegating the other leg back. Raising the subject, keep your hand for standing next to the subject, whether a table or chair. This unpretentious rules will help you maintain a healthy back to old age. The most important thing is cautious about their health and live a hundred years or more.

Body and Genetics

Now try to answer what to do with this process is genetics? Yes, you are genetically predisposed may be an increased weight, have less developed muscles, as well as my grandmother all my life to work with increased load on the legs. Supermodel does not necessarily agree. But at the same time knowing that your family members tend to be overweight, you may pay more attention to this issue in their lives. By the way, great weight is easier to prevent than to fight it. At the same time, genetically less-developed muscular system is also amenable to correction in terms of its revitalization, improvement and maintenance of its functions. To a large load on the legs did not contribute development of flat feet, you should promptly take an interest in preventive measures. On them, we continue to talk in detail. Perhaps now it is clear that the ongoing strains in the foot are highly dependent on arches provide the necessary cushioning for the body.

What is depreciation in the car? For a longer working properly, all engine blocks. Similarly, depreciation of the foot provides, first of all, integrity and normal function of all joints, including knees, hips, lumbar spine, which occur with age, anatomical and functional disorders. Considerable contribution to this process makes a defective foot. Longitudinal arch of the foot visually normal is well defined if we look at the inside of the foot. In a normal longitudinal arch height in the central part is 3.9 cm from the base the floor surface to the bone. To what extent is stored longitudinal arch can be identified by fingerprints plantar surface of the load on the foot. Varies 4 degrees flat, each of which gives a characteristic fingerprint plantar surface of the load on the foot. Not everyone knows that in addition to the longitudinal and transverse flatfoot distinguish flat, which is determined by the width of the foot at the base of the fingers (metatarsalno-phalanx joints).

Normally, these joints form an arch (the arch). Height of the arch depends on the consistency of ligaments which connect the joints and muscles that support the arch of the foot. In the chronic overload of ligament and longitudinal cross a set of "settling", and clinically we see the big flat foot. Most often, the longitudinal and transverse arches develop simultaneously. While there may be an isolated "settling" of one or another set. In any case, One of the unfortunate symptoms of flat feet can be a pain in different parts of the foot and further developing the deformation of fingers, in frequent cases, leading to surgical treatment. In our next conversation talk about the consequences arising from the flat, which will help to realize how important it is to keep dampening properties of the foot throughout life.

The Weight Of Stress

In these times of trouble continuous social and economic pressures, our bodies and minds bear the brunt. Stress is the enemy stealth and inseparable irremediable makes furrows in our sexual and mental performance. If we leave, not only just a little bit ourselves, but to our family and emotional core. Fortunately, there are tools to combat it. Pressure is what drives individuals and nations grow stronger and overcome. But within acceptable levels.

What may be tolerable. In the event that this pressure is out of line with our margin of resistance, when we feel tired for no apparent reason, unmotivated, apathetic, without interest, and to cap sick, has had a cold or flu lately, or is this constant The general feeling is similar to what happens after a fistfight: Defeated and angry. But the worst symptom is when the sexual appetite disappears. Is not there. Is alien. If we do not intervene in the matter, immediately, our partner can walk away, increasing and deepening the widespread side effects. Examples of stress are everywhere, and are more familiar than we think: vehicular noise, partying neighbors, pollution, income at the end of the month, the stand later in the morning and run around the house to get to work on time, news radio, newspaper, or television . Most are within our reach and we can remove them immediately.

Others do not, but under suggestion may be lessened. Celebrity trainer will not settle for partial explanations. Best of all is that escape the stress is at hand: live more intimately with you Yes, every day more conscious experience. Share not only with others but with nature. Go to the beach, park or mountain. Listen to music. Laugh more. Create, renew friendships and reinforced. Buy a pet. Water a plant. Walk, run, jump, exercise every day. Learn something new and / or unknown. Lea. Breathe deeply and strongly. You do not have to go to a doctor. You do not have to go to therapy, "only in extreme cases, these tips we experience when we were children, have always been with us. Before turning to Viagra, Try it for a month. And see the results, and her partner for the rest of his life. Maike Kratc.

Healthy Spine

Today we'll talk about a healthy spine. Or how to avoid back pain – Prevention of diseases of the spine, the struggle with osteochondrosis and stooped. Let's begin. The spine normally has to be in the form of English the letter S, the view from the side. In the cervical spine bending backwards (lordosis) in the thoracic and bend forward at the lumbar back bend back (lordosis). This form allows the spine to withstand the dynamic axle loads, the spine as spring absorbs the weight of the head and body while walking.

Great importance in this have lordosis – the lumbar and cervical curves. The correct form of spinal support muscles of the back, the special role belongs to the spine extensors (Paravertebral muscles) Due to the fact that, thanks to the progress of man has become largely sedentary lifestyle, do little physical work, people began to acquire at a young age, diseases such as osteochondrosis, slouch. With a poorly developed muscles of the back person can not maintain the correct posture, and leading a sedentary life, modern man aligns the lumbar and cervical curves, which causes straightening of the spine and convergence of the vertebrae. The load on the intervertebral discs is growing and begins to develop low back pain with all the possible consequences. How does it oppose? Propose a set of exercises, which will restore correct shape of your spine and strengthen the muscles responsible for the preservation of correct posture. So, before going to bed – make of two roller towels or buy in the store rolls, stuffed with herbs.


Down and Out the trouble started. And if you do not just start, but continue to cause no power? If there is no strength to get up in the morning and all day passes as if each leg is tied to on Girs? Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy – constant companions? In addition, excessive weight, high cholesterol, and in the evening attack such a hunger that it was impossible not to empty the refrigerator? Well, what can we say – weight problems – this is a problem with metabolism. Your cells are not adequately get their energy, and how many do not eat, energy, and will not get into the cells, and will stick to the "problem areas". This stems from the lack of L-carnitine. Levocarnitine (l-carnitine, BT, B11, elkarnitin) – this vitamin-like amino acid that is synthesized in the body. But not always, body synthesizes it in sufficient quantities. The main functions of Levocarnitine – correct metabolic processes, in particular fat energy transfer, and withdraw from the cells 'waste' substance. Most of our body gets energy from the decomposition of carbohydrates, due to the oxidation of oxygen (that is what people need and constantly breathe), but some of the energy received and stored in the body in the form of fat.

It is for the breakdown of fats and their transfer to the energy wasted by us and not put off at the waist, and is responsible elkarnitin. Lack Levocarnitine leads to the fact that fat does not enter the cells, and in the form of atherosclerotic plaques and fatty deposits affects our health and form. In addition to this there is the "energy starvation" of cells, especially in need of energy (which is the heart and brain), and as a result: chronic fatigue, depression, apathy, insomnia, chronic stress. In addition to these symptoms, which often turn into the disease, and may include heart failure, and vascular dystonia, and degenerative brain disease. No less important is the function of Levocarnitine neuroprotection: it serves as a transport to a conclusion through the kidneys, degradation products and toxins, and reduces the level of free radicals from the excesses which primarily affected the brain. Levocarnitine – an active participant in the synthesis of acetylcholine-a neurotransmitter involved in thinking and remembering. Lack Levocarnitine leads to deterioration opportunities for training, memory lapses, distraction due to violation of neurochemical balance of the brain. L-carnitine is particularly important when low-carb diet and weight loss programs, as breaks down the fat depot in energy, which speeds up the "loss of extra pounds" and reduces hunger.

Lack Levocarnitine in children leads to stunted growth, "energy diathesis" is the cause of acute respiratory diseases, diseases of the sense organs and kidneys. C age falls elkarnitina synthesis, so it must take extra elderly. Studies have shown that taking Levocarnitine people older than 60 led to an increase in muscle mass in relation to fat, increased stamina and mental abilities and, on responses of the patients after the course they felt that they "become younger." This confirms the increased quality of life improvement in general mood, reducing the risk of depression and dementia. "Accomplice" in the process Levocarnitine fat reduction, but inside the cell acts as coenzyme Q10, so that when taken together with Levocarnitine coenzyme Q10, the effect of this combination surpasses the effect of each substance in particular. Therefore, complex preparations c L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10 – one of the most effective in cases of anti-obesity, depression, chronic fatigue, and among the means to improve the quality of life.

Tips On Caring For Your Mouth And Teeth

Healthy teeth – is not only an attribute of beauty, but also the basis for a far more important processes, including digestion. It is no secret that a thorough chewing of food greatly softens the effect is not completely suitable to you products. Not quite appropriate – does not mean "stale, or containing different carcinogenic additives, there are also due to the types of food, which is undesirable for your constitution. The following are guidelines for the care of teeth and Oral: For example, people with fiery emotion and a tendency to rashes strictly forbidden red meat and fatty food consistency, lean people with dry skin and suffer from constipation – different crunchy crackers, biscuits, crisps or salted nuts; people a large build, with thick dense skin and a peace-loving character – sweet, creamy desserts and foods rich in starch. Your smile will not save any dental miracles, if you have weakened or bleeding gums.

There is a very simple and enjoyable tool to maintain your gums in good condition – it is their massing of mashed strawberries. Enough to pound ripe 2.1 berries until mushy state, put them on the gums and massage in a circular motion clockwise for a few minutes. Performed during the "Strawberry" season, this procedure is not only healthier gums, but all of the oral cavity as a whole due to astringent and tonic properties of strawberries. Halitosis – not only cause personal discomfort, but also an occasion for more serious concern in the digestive tract. After all, it is proved that there is a relationship between oral diseases and diseases of internal organs. Therefore, it is important to use not so much flavoring as therapeutic agents. Of the latter You can try aloe juice (it should be taken twice daily in a volume of 1 tablespoon 100 ml). Chewing roasted fennel seeds after a meal also gives good results, helping to normalize digestion. Fennel has also carminative action, so consider this fact. Flatulence is usually a normal satellite digestive disorders and appears as a result of abuse is difficult to digest foods (beans, cabbage, raw bow, candy, ice cream, fatty foods, often – the meat).

Seven Proven Ways

Allow ourselves to imagine the following situation: morning, Monday. The night before there was a quarrel with my girlfriend and you have my heart "cat scratching." Alarm goes off, it's time to get up and go to work. You go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, but the fridge is empty and ended with the sugar. Then you try to start the car, but to no avail, got the battery. Then crush the bus, and finally you come to your workplace with the already fairly battered nervous system.

On Friday, at your desk left a lot of "unfinished tails", and here is head and loads more work. As you boil rage and discontent, and the working day has just begun. How to get out of this situation? How to get rid of stress? The best options are to take time off, take a shower and go out of town, run jogging, etc. But this is the ideal, but you have only a few minutes. Can I get rid of stress during this time? Yes you can. Here several recommendations.

take a walk. Even if you only have five minutes. You just have to leave for a few minutes from the center of tension. Think of something nice, tidy your thoughts. read something. For example, newspaper, magazine, Field of humor and anecdotes. In general, something fun that will distract you from the affairs of the immediate and calm. meditation. It is not necessary to know that the asanas of yoga. Just close your eyes and try to calm down. Focus your attention on any image adage, a good episode of life. clip on the topic – humor. Go online to any tracker, or YouTube and watch a funny movie. After watching, laughing, you return to their work more calm and focused. cup chamomile tea helps you calm down. Already in the cooking process you will feel the voltage drop reduces stress Good box. Some strong strokes will help you let off steam. Object to strike can be a pile of papers. deep breathing will certainly set you free from stress. Several smooth inhale-exhale cycles would lead you to rest. Try breathe evenly and smoothly. During breath try not to think about anything. I wish you success and peace of mind and do not forget that everything goes … and it, too.


infuser (on the tip of a teaspoon), put in a bowl and pour a little water cooled to 60-80 * C, then whisk the tea in a circular motion, then top up with water – tea is ready! Without the corolla as You can make this tea, this brew mash with a spoon in a little water, then pour the remaining water and drink immediately. If you wish to make 'Latte', use water instead of milk, fat is not less than 6%, and add sugar to taste. Only the 'latte' needs sweetening, please do not add sugar to any other Japanese green tea. Recommendation for brewing 'Sencha': To prepare the brewed necessary number of soft boiled water cooled to 70-80C, then sprinkle half a teaspoon of tea leaves in teapot and pour water on 60% of the Kettle. Make 5 circular motions and, alternating, slowly pour in the drink cups. If necessary, repeat the procedure up to 3 times more time increasing insistence, each time completely drain the water from the Kettle. Explanation: The number of tea leaves into your teapot is determined empirically, by your taste, but remember – do not be diluted with water to make tea. While many used to do a strong brew and add water in a cup, dilute the tea should not be. 🙂 After tea the Japanese sometimes eat the rest of the tea leaves or use it in salad. But this is only good for green tea quality of the first harvest.