Kiwi: Green Utility

Each of us knows what the role of fruit in our lives, how they are important and useful to us. But not all are aware of their importance in skin care. In fact, all fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It’s believed that Gunnar Peterson sees a great future in this idea. If they properly combined with other ingredients, then we can get a bunch of recipes for masks, lotions and face creams. Mark burnett follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Fruits such as grapes, berries, lemons, oranges, frequently used in cosmetology, especially in the methods youth preservation. Gain insight and clarity with mark burnett. For example, the avocado contains a natural substance – collagen, which contributes to a natural face lift. Enumerate the merits of various fruits can be forever, but today let's talk about Kiwi Kiwi kivi.Poleznye property also contains natural collagen, and is often used in the manufacture of cosmetics for aging skin and in the media in the fight against wrinkles. Collagen tightens the skin, giving it elasticity.

Collagen is also used to combat wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. Let's examine a few recipes of masks from kiwi fruit, which can take its importance in your stock funds for maintenance of beauty. All the masks will be made only from natural products, which guarantees one hundred percent efficiency. For example, a nourishing mask of kiwi fruit to dry skin. All we need is a tablespoon of olive butter, a tablespoon of juice kiwi and one yolk. Thoroughly mix all and apply on face, leave for 15 minutes. Uninstall your mask carefully with a swab or a special sponge.

Remove Cellulite

It seems spring has truly begun: 0), and then that long winter did not want to leave and return back to their snow and cold rains: 0) A woman, in spite of bad weather, have already begun to stir and glances aktivnenko on his body: 0)) Cellulite always spoils a woman's mood and does not sleep at night: 0)) And of course there is no desperate situations: 0) solution is always, it remains only to apply it in practice: 0) In this article I want to share unique method, which gives excellent results on time-consuming and cost in 10-20 minutes. for once: 0) This time I will sing the praises of the device Galvanic Spa: 0) It's so light and small that it can be safely carried in a pocket or in purse. And despite its size, it gives very good results. For those who have little tsellyulitik: 0), it suffices to work with problem areas a couple of times and the result immediately in the face. Then just maintain themselves periodically in the form and everything, no problem: 0) Those who run your body will have to work a little longer, adding to a process for greater safety, exercise and good nutrition: 0) The device operates on Special ionized gel whose composition helps draw out toxins from the cells and get rid of fat.

The main components of anti-cellulite gel is – 1.Teobromin (an extract of cocoa Theobroma) rich molecules that provide effects on certain enzymes of fat cells, helps with obesity. 2.Zolotaya Chamomile (extract Chrysanthellum indicum). This extract is rich in flavonoids, a class of antioxidants. Tests have shown that these flavonoids may prevent accumulation of fat. Thanks to the galvanic currents (ie, constant, or plus or minus) is the penetration of the necessary components to the deep layers of the skin.

If you do not break the skin barrier and protective function of the skin. Negative attracts plus and as a result of this simple physics – Smoother skin: 0) Galvanic Spa Instrument Use II is very easy and short on time. You'll avoid the formation of hematomas, so characteristic of the use of anti-cellulite massage and Some vehicles. Get smooth and even skin. Where a lot – will remove, where hangs – tighten. Use morning and evening 2 times per week for each subject area. By the way, the wise men give her this priborchik loved the ladies, and enjoy themselves in the pleasure, too. Once they are already working with his bald spot and wrinkles on your face: 0) It is priborchik 10 580 rubles. or 323.36 euros. Those who order the device before June 1 will receive a gift from my cellulite cream cost 1,600 rubles. or 49.12 euros. By purchasing priborchik once you pay back after his 5 – 10 treatments. (As in the salons of a procedure for the different devices can vary from 500 rubles to 3000rub. At a time) And then he had already cost free: 0) I. .. please be in your pocket and ionomezoterapiya and dezinkrustatsiya, and problems of cellulite and baldness. In short, no pimples, no wrinkles, cellulite and no hair across his head: 0) And you – the very beauty and youth, taking Compliments and catching admiring glances of others! Write to tell you more about other features of this device. Sincerely, Julia Bakhtin

Hair Loss

A woman should carefully look after their hair, and always supervise them. At the first sign of hair loss should immediately take measures for their rehabilitation. Every hair on the human head grows in a month average of 1-1.5 mm, and is growing at about 5-6 years. Then the hair for a while in a state of rest until the new hair does not supersede them. The number of hair of different people varies.

In red the amount of hair in the middle reaches 100 thousands, and have blond – 150 000. Each day a person loses 30-100 hairs. It is quite normal when combing a small amount of hair falls out, it's just the daily rate of hair loss. However, if after every scratching on the comb are whole patches of hair – it's time to take action. Causes of hair loss. The growth of hair depends on hair supplies blood moving through the blood vessels in the scalp. If the capillary for some reason has narrowed, the new hair will not grow.

At the back and sides hair grow better because the blood comes here is active, also in these areas have layers of fat and muscle, not allowing the capillaries to contract. But in temples, forehead and crown no sufficient layers of fat or muscle, so the sudden pulling of the skin capillaries are compressed, and the hair stop growing. Causes of hair loss can be many: a lack of fresh air and sleep wrong and unbalanced diet, improper care of hair and other dermatologists say that hair loss leads to a functional disorder of the nervous system of the upper spinal cord. This may be caused by an infection in the oral cavity and pharynx. Hair is very harmful diuretics, antibiotics, and some hormones. Prevention of hair loss. Help restore the scalp can massage. With it decreases the density of the subcutaneous layer of fat, increases the mobility of the scalp, increasing blood circulation, which leads to improved nutrition and hair to strengthen them. Massage is contraindicated with strong hair loss, fungal and pustular skin diseases of the head, open head injury, hypertension, 2 and 3 degrees. Massage done before washing or during shampooing. To date, the pharmacies can find a great number of drugs that strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. There are also folk remedies: rubbing crushed parsley seeds overnight in the hair in the morning schesyvaya residues. Treated in such a way you need every day for a week, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated after two weeks. 1 tablespoon chopped birch leaves carefully pour 300 ml. boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused 2 hours, then filtered. Tincture to clean the scalp each time after washing. 8 teaspoons lime flowers poured 0.5 liters. hot water and boil on low heat for 20 minutes. The broth should drain and regularly rubbed into the scalp. 1 glass oak bark mixed with 1 cup of onion peel. Mixture to pour a liter of hot water and simmer on low heat for an hour, then drain and cool. The resulting broth is rubbed into the scalp, then at the head put on insulated hood. After two hours, you can remove the cap, and hair – rinse. Source

Moisturize Dry Skin Cosmetics

With age, many women have found skin is dry, it is easy to fine lines appear deeper wrinkles, especially around the mouth, eyes and neck. This occurs in consequence of the fact that sebaceous glands are slower and the surface the skin is deprived of natural protection, ie, with age the skin becomes less firm and elastic. And of course, thanks to proper care with the use of cosmetics, skin aging can be slowed down. Especially women should look stunning at any age before the wedding. And what do weddings and follow a woman's life was a success, we give a few tips professionalnyh. Several professional advice: On age of great significance for skin acquired factors such as nutrition, sleep and rest: 7-8 hours sleep should be mandatory, otherwise the skin will prematurely age and fade. It was a dream of our skin cells are updated in two times faster than during the day.

When cleansing the skin, discard the soap. In the morning, rinse your face with cool water only and wipe the face with a lotion-tonic for dry skin, use cleansing milk in the evening. It contains necessary components, so lacking in your skin. Remains of milk from the skin, remove with cosmetic tissues, rather than rinse. Toilet water used after cleansing milk, must not contain alcohol, or skin become drier. For dry skin, essential nutrients – they increase the skin's resistance to negative environmental influences. During the day, use a light moisturizer, but what a night – a bold, Nourishing Night Cream. Cream stimulate and renew the skin cells, making the skin supple and fresh.

Such a cream is applied after cleansing milk, light rubbing massaging into the skin. A very effective way to care for Face – Massage. Use for massage creams with vitamins and bio-active ingredients – aloe vera gel. After 3 minutes of massage gel is absorbed completely into the skin and stimulates the formation of new cells. Protect your skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet kozhi.v disastrous for the summer to care for the skin, use a moisturizing cream emulsion with filters from the sun.