
Depending on the substance, but also according to the habit of taking these factors vary greatly in play. The mechanism of action of psychological dependence psychological dependence arises however, event-driven. It takes a specific event or a chain of events contingents. By "contingent" refers to events that are perceived temporally and spatially coherent. Furthermore, it takes living conditions and problems that lead to a psycho-physical stress and so-called stress symptoms. Under stress symptoms here elevated adrenaline Committee, increased heart rate, more perspiration, increased galvanic skin tension, dilated pupils etc are meant. In psychophysical stress I understand the following: pain, depression, anger, fear and anxiety, pessimistic thoughts, etc.

I call this psycho-physical tensions, because such feelings and thoughts just have a physical substrate. They contribute to the measurable stress symptoms and make the connection between the biological and physical and psychological dependence. Now, if in a state of psychological tension a psychoactive substance is consumed, so by taking the substance results in a reduction of experienced real tension. Similarly, the stress symptoms are less clearly perceived, it ensteht the impression of a (pseudo-) reduction. This voltage reduction is due to the drug. He is not due to the problem.

The insidious thing psychologically psychoactive substances is their ability to stress symptoms and psychological tension to change, without the matching (of life) to change problem must. With life problems problems at work, in important relationships or problems associated with a perceived as a gloomy future prospect meant. Such tensions respectively its causes, the problems just belong to life and can not simply be "abolished".