The legs and the thighs are a problematic area common in women who suffer of cellulitis. 90% of the women suffer of cellulitis in hips, thighs and rumps. I can assure that to all of them they would like to reduce the cellulitis, and express! Unfortunately, many women are looking for one cures miraculous and end up losing very many money in creams anti totally false celulticas and other tricks. These " treatment anticelulticos is not a lasting solution and they only cover the problem by a short time. This article will show some simple tricks to him to reduce to the cellulitis in the legs and the thighs without spending money in ineffective and expensive products. First of all, you must know that there is no " toxinas" in the cellulitis. There are no circulation problems, is excess of stored water, nothing.
The cellulitis is exactly just as any other fat in their body. The irregular aspect must to that the soft fat crowds through connective weave underneath the skin. Since the women have the finest skin in the legs and the rumps, she becomes still more remarkable. The treatment of the cellulitis that offers some creams, is ineffective, the unique thing that obtains is that it loses the money that as much cost of winning to him. The function of these products anti celulticos is to cause inflammation in the skin, that temporarily tightens the zone and causes that the appearance of requesn is less remarkable by a short time. They really cannot make nothing to reduce the cellulitis. He asks his doctor if he is not convinced.
Obvious, this is not a form practical to reduce the cellulitis in the legs. As soon as he stops using the product, you are of return to the departure point, but with less money in the pocket. In order to reduce the cellulitis in fact what needs to focus in the causes and not in the symptoms. The main causes of the cellulitis generally must to an overproduction of hormones, to the ingestion of mistaken foods, and the lack of certain types of exercise. These causes usually are related to each other and increase your cellulitis. In order to fight these causes, to realise a program of focused training in the cellulitis and some simple changes in the diet, can make wonders. If it is made correctly, it been able to tighten and to strengthen muscles and the skin around the cellulitis and to reduce harmful hormones. This has a better result with a designed specific program for women with this problem. An effective program will put its corps in combat against the cellulitis, and can reduce the visible cellulitis in only weeks. It does not need to realise intense cardiovascular exercises. To put itself squatting is a good compound exercise that it works of several muscles in legs and rumps. The exercises of resistance like these, have demonstrated to control hormonal problems and have libreado in greater amount hormones of the human growth. When it is used in combination with some nutritional replacements, expresses and excellent results can be seen. When putting its body in a state of fight against the cellulitis, is reconstructing the colgeno, hardening the skin and tonificando its muscles. Hgase a favor and leaves the cream anti celultica. This is the unique verified way to reduce cellulitis for always, instead of to only conceal it. More information in cellulitis never but the natural cure cellulitis never but