The Blue Book of conclusions were not accepted by everyone, but critics – including some scientists – suggesting that Project Blue Book work in a very questionable, or, worse, was a simple cover.
For example, there are many reports ufological, especially at night, referring to the Midwest and Southeast United States in the summer of 1965, some witnesses in Texas said they had sighted “multicolored lights and huge objects aereos or egg-shaped diamond . The Oklahoma Highway Patrol reported that since the air base tinsmith (near Oklahoma City) had been traced back to four UFOs simultaneously, and several of them had dropped very quickly from about 2500 to about 8000 meters in just a few seconds, something clearly beyond the capabilities of a conventional airplane. John Shockley, a meteorologist from Wichita, Kansas, reported that, using the state weather service radar, tracking some objects aereos flying at altitudes between approximately 2000 and 3000 meters. These and other reports received wide publicity.
Project Blue Book officially determined that what the witnesses actually saw was nothing more than the planet Jupiter or some bright stars.
The explanation of the Blue Book was widely criticized as inaccurate. Robert Riser, director of the Planetarium of the Foundation of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, the strongly contested explanation of the Blue Book. His reply was very widespread, “is so far from reality as you can imagine. These stars and planets are on the opposite side of the Earth from Oklahoma City at this time of year. The Air Force must have had their machines to astronomical setback in August. “
An editorial in the Richmond News Leader newspaper opined that “attempts to discredit the observations reported in accordance with the rationale of the Project Blue Book (sic) will not solve the mystery … and only serve to raise suspicion that there is something there that Air Force does not want us to know, “while a reporter for the agency Witchita wrote (in a separate editorial brief) that” an ordinary radar can not detect planets and stars. “
Another case that critics praise happened on Blue Book 5 in the morning near Ravenna, Ohio, April 17, 1966. Police officers Spaur Dale and Wilbur Neff saw an object with a shiny silver disc light emanating from the bottom, about 300 meters tall. Began to follow the object (which sometimes dropped to about 150 meters). Other actors in nearby counties are also involved in the persecution, just hours after a near Freedom, Pennsylvania, about 50 km away.
This case came to national media and the police gave a detailed Blue Book. Five days later, without having interviewed a half dozen of the players involved, and other witnesses, the director of Blue Book, Hector Quintanilla, announced their conclusions: the actors (one of whom participated with the Air Force in the Korean War ) had followed a satellite, then the planet Venus.
This was flatly rejected by the police. In its counter, Hynek described the findings of the Blue Book as absurd, given that in their reports, some of the agents had described the moon, Venus and the UFO: they had noticed that morning that there was a “star” very knowledgeable about the moon . It was Venus. By an Ohio congressman, William Stanton, said “the air force has lost much of its prestige in this community … where people trust this administration and not telling the truth, you lose that confidence.”