hypnosis is derived from the hypnos word Greek, and is described in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a induced state that if resembles of sleep and in which the citizen is sensible to the suggestions of the inductor (hypnotist or hipnoterapeuta). Going for this definition, the hypnosis is interposed in artificially, wants for external factors (another person) or interns (auto-hypnosis) the ways. Currently, the hypnosis and its effect in the improvement of the physical and mental base of the man are the citizen of the experience and methodical study for science men, doctors and fisiologistas. Tickets of the Bible and the Talmud indicate that the phenomenon of the states of induced sleep, vises of wheels in spiral, cures for rabbis (known as witchcraft) in the Christian age, miraculous cures, that can have the suggestion, and the creation of illusions for rabbis as told in the Talmud is registered references of the hypnosis – more than 2,000 years behind. r their opinions as well. Biblical and Talmudic references the hypnosis (hipnticos phenomena) are mixed treatments of psychiatric illnesses. Until the eastern religions and philosophies they have its proper recorded references on the hypnosis. One xam of the Nepal tambores in a state of settles, demonstrating a capacity to enter and to leave a modified state of conscience and experience of control, the Buddhist meditation of one monge is the formation of a conscience to examine the experience so minutely how much possible, with effect, a bigger conscience (Vipassana), a practitioner of yoga if engages in the concentration, is centered in a stimulaton fixed and keeps inabalvel, until a feeling of unit with the object and, finally, the auto one it is reached. The comparison of the references registadas of the hypnosis of both the cultures eastern and occidental person disclose that the experience occidental person essentially is derived almost that exclusively from the vigil state, the experience of the East to draw its vision of the induced dreams, meditating, contemplativa or states.