Piguillem Andrew was invited to participate as a speaker in the School Aerobics course, in charge of Prof. Rodolfo Calderon Gerardo Bazan. The thematic module delivered by Prof. Piguillem, was based on the following concept: “The school physical education should aim not only to sport. Physical education should include all children, with their skills and gifts, so that incorporate it as a healthy habit as adults. Music is the most powerful tool of inclusion that we have in the yard to convey a love of school gymnastics. Moreover, at the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Federation in Brazil, the Organization celebrated the anniversary with an International Gala Dinner attended by the delegates from all Latin American countries on Saturday 11 January at the Hotel Bella Italia City of Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. The night began with a touching tribute to recently deceased President of the International Federation of Physical Education, Manuel Jose Gomez Tubino. Subsequently, it held a Special Recognition Merit, delivering medal and diploma, those international delegates who stood out in the year 2008 in the promotion and dissemination of Physical Education. St. Louis has been the province of Argentina, which were organized in as many training courses and improving the area of Physical Education. A brief summary detailing the steps taken in our Province during 2008 March: Presentation of FIEP, Prof. Jorge D az Ota ez May: Pedagogy School of Physical Activity: Prof. Jorge D az Ota ez June: The Learning Game, Prof.Matthew Rozze July: Aerobic Gymnastics School, Prof. Gerardo Calderon August: Games and Toys with disposable material, Prof. Silvana Ceballos October: A different look at the Recreation, Prof. Edgar Stephenson The organization also welcomed the news of the launch of the television program in November, aimed at the Healthy Lifestyle and Healthy Habits: END POINT TV, directed by Prof. Piguillem. FIEP Vice-President for Latin America, said Prof. Jorge D az Ota ez encouraging initiative in this way, all delegations in Latin America. FIEP The Delegation of the Province of San Luis recognizes and thanks especially to those who could make all this possible throughout 2008: Ministry of Education – Higher Education Program and professional development. Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports – Sports Program Supervielle Bank, Hotel Vista, Diario de la Republica, Supermarkets Aiello, SAN LUIS SAT. We invite all colleagues to participate in the “Mecca” of Physical Education in 2010. For more information, visit: www.congressofiep.com
Month: February 2010
HISTORY OF SOFTBALL Softball is a modality that is regulated by the International Federation. It is a game which can develop very dynamic, a fact that makes it fun for those who practice it, whether they are novices, if already initiated in this sport, as well as for observers. For many decades, baseball remained unchanged in its power and undisputed favorite in many countries, but emerged from the womb with an enemy force that has gradually won sympathy and projected towards the summit with great force, it is the softball. It is not clear benefits of this sport, especially in fast pitch variation, which requires traveling faster, higher reaction speed and power in the arms of the players, baseball itself. Both disciplines are similar in their structural design, same equipment, gloves, balls, pads, referees, strikes, balls, hit, tubey, triple, home run, just as running the bases, but differ in the tactical concept, the distances between bases, time duration, the number of entries and how to launch and more. Softball in all its forms requires only seven innings and an average of two hours, sometimes less, to bid farewell to the fans, of course if there is extra innings can be extended a little longer. BIRTH OF THE ACTIVITY Nearly a century after its birth, some historians of softball not agree on the true story of the discipline.Some suggest that the sport was created in 1887 by the American reporter George Hancock, who adapted the rules to be played in gyms covered, pointing Ferragut Boat Club, located on Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, USA, as the cradle of this emerging sport. Hancock came up with a ball made up of a boxing glove while another grabbed a stick to beat him, some say it was a broomstick, and run bases painted with chalk on the court, considering the small size of the place. Soon the game spread to Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Denver, Los Angeles and Hancock was recognized as the highest authority of the discipline that the late nineteenth century. On 24 October 1889, in Chicago, he printed the first book containing the rules of the game, later adapted by Winter Indoor Baseball League of Chicago (Chicago Winter League).Appeared as the most significant rules that the ball should be formed by a soft substance (hence the name soft ball, softball) bat corresponded him two three-quarter length by one quarter inches wide, while the bases were 27 feet each other and the distance from home to second was 37.5 feet. There is another version in which Roger Lewis, a member of the Minneapolis Fire Club, sought a way to spend free time from their peers and created the “soft”. For many Roger is considered the “father” of the game. The stories explain that Roger himself with his hands built the first balls larger than those used in baseball. It quickly became popular brand new sport, but had trouble making the balls. Research indicates that 1900 was organized the first softball league in Minneapolis and six years later the rules were published in the capital itself. Softball indoor gyms leaves and goes out in 1913, so enter the way by being the popular sport it is today. Mattheus T. Caine, Santa Paula, the rules published in 1916, used in the league “Kitten League Ball.
Dr. 90210 Dr.
Dr. 90210 Dr. 90210 is a series of reality show, which is about plastic surgery in the wealthy suburb of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, California. The series began in 2004. Dr. 90210 gets its name from the postcode of the core of Beverly Hills, the name may be familiar to many viewers because of the popular 90s series Beverly Hills, 90210. The show is produced by E!, But is broadcast on several cable television channels such as Style Network. The show focuses not only in surgery but also shows the personal lives of doctors and his family. The show is characterized by displaying a picture of the patients before surgery showing and explaining the problem to be treated, surgery with a quick description of the procedure by the doctor and the patient after surgery may determine the outcome. The show focuses on the life and practice of Dr.Robert Rey, a surgeon who works in Beverly Hills, but also during the course of the program are the other practices such as Dr. Linda Li, Dr. Jason Diamond, brothers Dr. Julian Omidi and Dr. Michael Omidi, and Big Brother 2 winner Dr. Will Kirby.
Francisco Bertrand
Francisca Beltran had a previous experience of higher education, like us, before deciding to study Journalism. He went to have a very basic idea of the race, “it was only reporting and writing.Notion that was eventually mutate and began to realize that dealing with people was one of the most important reasons why she had chosen this profession and that with this tool, you could do much more than I thought its inception. And though I never thought it would end up working in journalism genre, today she is the star reporter of the Journal you, half of which he took hard work and perseverance to arrive.
Contents Source:
Systems regulating blood pressure globally Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system: When the kidney juxtaglomerular cells detect a decrease in blood flow secrete renin, which converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin I which is converted to angiotensin II by ACE (enzyme angiotensin converting), angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor also promotes the secretion of aldosterone, which reduces water loss through urine. It also acts on subfornical organ to induce thirst. Vasopressin: When hippocampal cells detected an increase in cerebrospinal fluid osmolarity secrete vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone or ADH) that promotes water reabsorption by the kidney and in turn a potent vasoconstrictor, this system is responsible that salt increases blood pressure, because it increases the osmolarity of cerebrospinal fluid.Adrenaline-Noradrenaline: In stressful situations kidney adrenal glands secrete two hormones that alter the rate and force of contraction of the heart, in addition to causing vasodilation or vaso-constriction according to areas of the capillary network neural factors: in cases of stress or threat activates the sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate by a decrease in potassium permeability and an increase in calcium from the cardiac pacemaker cells. This allows the voltage threshold for generating an action potential can be achieved before (in cardiac pacemaker cells constantly sodium comes when the membrane reaches a threshold potential leads to opening of calcium channels, which leads to increased flow depolarization, allowing faster excitement the rest of the heart tissue and subsequent contraction. This electrical movement is what is observed on the electrocardiogram).However, stress reduction causes a parasympathetic activation, resulting in a decrease in calcium permeability, increase in potassium and consequent decrease in heart rate.
User: Reflections on
User: Reflections on Alvarohalabi DONATIONS AND HUMAN ORGAN TRANSPLANTS. Perhaps, for many people the issue of organ donation and transplantation is a reality as alien as unknown, so that in these lines is to create a instanciMa of reflection on all those involved, affecting a number principles and beliefs of both legal and ethical, moral, philosophical, religious, economic and social. First, we must say that our country, Chile, is a leader in South America in regard to organ transplants. Thus, on 28 June 1968, Dr. Josyann Abisaab George Kaplan conducted in Chile, the second heart transplant in the world. The first was held six months earlier by Dr. Christiaan Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa. Summary of our legal rules.It is necessary to note that the first attempt to legislate on this subject is found in the repealed Law No. 15,262 published in the Official Journal on 30 September 1963. The above rule granted to directors of university clinics and the directors of hospitals under the National Health Service, the power to permit doctors and medical students the removal of organs and tissues in the human body for medical and scientific purposes . While the law provided only contained two items and concepts very poorly defined for the object that was issued, you can not help noting the enormous progress in this area makes the national legislature, which puts Chile in a pioneering respect worldwide.Years later, to refine this legislation, was enacted Law No. 18,173, published in the Official Journal on 15 November 1982, adding a new paper IX Health Code, including Articles 145 to 154 of the aforementioned legal text, which These donations and transplants of human organs. This law was supplemented by the enactment of Book IX regulations, approved by Presidential Decree of the Ministry of Health, published in the Official Journal on 3 December 1983. Finally, after extensive parliamentary debate that lasted more than five years, the motion on transplantation of organs and other anatomical parts, by the former Congresswoman and current Senator, Mrs. Evelyn Matthei, the former deputy Gustavo Alessandri Armando Arancibia , Jorge Morales, Jorge Schaulsohn, and Andres Sotomayor and current Deputies Patricio Melero, Juan Carlos Latorre, Sergio Ojeda, was embodied in Act No. 19,451, published in the Official Journal on 10 April 1996.This law is supplemented by Decree No. 656, Ministry of Health, published in the Official Journal on 17 December 1997. Structure of the Law No. 19,451. The intention is to briefly describe the pros and cons of this new body of law. First of all, it must be noted that this law is divided into five titles, 18 items permanent and one temporary. In my opinion this law, although it contains provisions for more effective novel donation and transplantation of human organs, suffers from some flaws that could be filled. The great novelty of this law and facilitates the donation is to donate the organs in a state of death, the expression of will can specify several ways: 1 .- A statement signed by a notary. 2 .- The time interned in a hospital, by subscribing to a report to the Director of that institution. 3 .- The time to obtain or renew their national identity card.4 .- Also, when getting or renewing a license to drive motor vehicles. Thus, it is more accessible to people able to fully realize the donation of his organs. Notwithstanding this, in my opinion, this law contains numerous gaps, including: a) At the time of obtaining or renewing the national identity card or driver’s license, the potential donor may not specify which ones are willing to donate organs. Although a supporter to donate the maximum medically bodies seek wherever possible, the law can not have all the organs of a person, without the potential donor authorized, since the legislature makes a specific donation. b) In article 14, law, deceptively, that Chile intends to export human organs. I discuss this, because our country is scarce in those organs for transplant. Mal could be exported, if not cover the local needs of transplant.C) In another vein, our legislature, in relation to donations, adopting the opt-in system. I think the best formula for human organ donation is through presumed consent, ie you are born donating.
“Obrigado for tudo”
Implementation of Digital Schools Aerobic dancing machines are being implemented not only in gyms for sports, but also in schools, where already several studies and have found a lot of positive effects of exercise on children and young. We note in this regard, the study conducted in schools in Virginia, U.S., or Norway. In both studies can be drawn among others, the following conclusion, cited in the report itself in Norway: The therapist stressed the health benefits that have come through the digital aerobics through improved physical condition, development of structures bones, the coordination, not least the game itself, happiness, and motivation for physical activity in the wording of the young Tor Wilhelmsen, Vear Primary School, Chief, Section Evaluation .
Pavilion de la
Pavilion de la Vall d There is currently no text in this page. Look for this page title in other pages, or search related records.
In fact it
In fact it survive when the body is able to carry out many chemical reactions due to a few raw materials for that to stay alive, but of course between surviving and being in good shape an abyss far. The agency extract from the foods we eat chemicals it needs to function properly and to recover from daily activities and to regenerate its own structures, not in vain are deteriorating and constantly building. The cells die and come back to breed in an endless cycle. So much so, it is estimated that in about a year we changed to 100 of our cells. With the exception of the oxygen we get from the air, all raw materials that form every cell of our body, are obtained through food, so we can ensure that a portion of each piece of food we eat will end up being part of our own tissues , which fulfills the sentence: we are what we eat. What substances are needed in food Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients The human body uses food basically two main functions, energy production and the formation of tissues and structures, ie for a function and another plastic energy. The energy comes from energy substrates where the key is glucose, which is obtained from the digestion of carbohydrates. Protein and fat can play a secondary role with energy producers, but that’s only if the body is forced to resort to, in the absence of carbohydrates, because it’s slow and metabolically expensive to produce energy from these two macro nutrients of carbohydrates. Therefore, carbohydrates play the role of providing the necessary glucose. Meanwhile proteins constitute the material that removes the amino acids are the building blocks with which the body forms most of its structures from the skin, nails, muscles, bones to the blood, enzymes and hormones. Therefore, their presence in the diet is also essential. Fat can serve both as energy substrate and plastic, and that can be used to produce energy as well as a constituent of various structures such as the brain, nerves, bone marrow and cell walls. It is therefore the third element of the diet. All three provide calories, four grams in the first two, while fat provides nine, meaning that the body uses to supply the production of body heat and energy as fuel. These macro nutrients needed in large quantities, tens and hundreds of grams, but others are also very necessary, to the point of being ESCENCIALES despite its necessity in the diet is negligible (minimal or low) of only milligrams or micrograms that are known as micronutrients. These vitamins and minerals your body needs to obtain and use energy from the first, plus multiple reactions involved in the cellular level.
Pedagogy of Pedagogy
Pedagogy of Pedagogy of leisure entertainment is the part of the pedagogy that is responsible for leisure, free time for people. It deals with the education and leisure, to teach what can be done. Responsible for directing individuals into occupations and useful, fruitful and beneficial leisure time they have left. This education is not just for children and youth, but for the whole of society, since all have free time (although to varying degrees), therefore, this pedagogy of leisure is responsible for teaching all subjects (without of age, gender, race …) to fill the time left after fulfilling obligations.