Carnival and culture The profound economic transformation, social and cultural development experienced Isla Cristina from the early twentieth century would also have major impact on the Carnival, achieving unexpected artistic and musical levels. The high levels of quality achieved in the carnival events of this century left in the dark to the ancient celebrations, however, are not few, as we have seen, documents and personal testimonies that remind us of a time when islanders Carnival were also important. Since the late twentieth century, the carnival of Isla Cristina organizations are not the only ones competing during the week of theater, many outside groups come to Isla Cristina to compete. Moreover, Isla Cristina groups are not only during the carnival. Throughout the years these groups have their cultural activities such as clubs and in recent months rehearse and prepare their high-quality theatrical performances.Since the early twentieth century, the carnival has had for their own local public enjoyment, the Society “The Union”, located in a building in 1922, has arranged a place where they have traditionally played, after the theater, the groupings participated in each ion. This is a typical custom of carnival island, like that of Cadiz, at the end of each grouping their performances in the theater, go to the bars and casinos to delight its customers, although for some years where the carnival was moved the Park Avenue area and the absence of bars fitted for it, are ignored this practice. A carnival parade on Sunday in the parade of Carnival. The theater in the longest-held street musicians and bands contest was the Gran Via, demolished in 2007. Since the inauguration of the new theater Horacio Noguera gave up her former position as a theater of carnival.Since 2004 has been celebrated in this new theater, the annual contest, best conditioned and fully equipped with all modern techniques of modern theater auiovisuales. In the early twenty-first century opened the Carnival Museum, after the refurbishment of one of the oldest buildings in the city, the San Francisco yard, the street of the same name. It houses a collection of historic posters and carnival costumes throughout history have been part of the island carnival