
The diverse modalities of intervention in the territory still must be remembered, for example, in the development of projects of health in the territory; in the support the groups; in the educative works and of social inclusion; in the confrontation of violence situations social rupture; in the actions next to the public equipment. 2COMUNICAO X INFORMATION to start subjects that bring in guideline the process of information, atrelado to the communication, we have that to get an agreement of what it comes to be this procedure, as is practised by the society and which the impacts ahead of its use. First, to understand, we will go to the meeting of the dictionary, to absovermos the formal meanings that each subject presents. Second, Aurlio Beta/Online Dictionary, 2010, ' ' Communication: s.f. Action to communicate: to be in communication with somebody. /Acknowledgment, message, information: communication of a notice. /Psychology Transmission of the information in the interior of a group, considered in its connections with the structure of this group. /Half of linking: ways of comunicao.' ' ' ' Information: s.f.

Action to inform or to inquire themselves. /Received or communicated Notice; it informs. /Species of inquiry the one that if proceeds to verify a fact (in this direction, it is used generally in the plural one): to go to the information. /Dir. Set of the acts that have for object to make test of an infraction and to know the author to it. /Cibern. Qualitative factor that assigns the position of a system, and eventually transmitted to another one. // Amount of information, quantitative measure of the uncertainty of a message in function of the degree of probability of each signal that composes this message.

// Theory of the information, v. COMPUTER SCIENCE. The meanings that become these two next words, however with its differences in the direction properly said are several.