With the advent of the welfare state townhome in Europe and populism in Latin-america – News ResultsLatin America’s first gay marriage halted CNN – Dec vacation rental 01 07:51amLatin America’s first gay marriage thwarted AP via Yahoo! News – Dec 01 03:53pmArgentine Judge Blocks Latin America’s First Gay Marriage Fox News – Dec 01 12:51pm’>Latin America after World War II, it became homes for sale very common expropriation or nationalization of private companies that went public in orbit, until the mid 70s of the twentieth century occurred in vacation almost every townhouses for sale country in townhouses the world large numbers town houses of public enterprises under the State called an entrepreneur. In countries with a socialist economic system and a planned economy, fort condos as was the Soviet Union and it vacation rentals is Cuba, the state controls the entire economy or much of apartments it, so that virtually any company’s rental existing state. homes However, just as they condominium say that public companies seek the good of society, are targets of criticism from economic orthodoxy and the neoliberal doctrine, which describes them as inefficient by nature, because of the administrative bureaucracy and lack encouragement of employees, considering that competition also improves productivity.With the rise of this set of theories in the rentals late ’70s and its subsequent dominance in the ’80s and ’90s, many lofts former state enterprises were privatized and turned into private companies, leading to high rise the so-called free market. Latin America and Eastern Europe after the dissolution of the Soviet Union were a testing ground for privatization, promoted by the IMF and WTO, among other international agencies. However, there were differences in the luxury homes degree of privatization of the economy across countries. While in Argentina the state enterprises house were almost all sold or dissolved, as Argentine railroads and the oil company YPF. Her neighbor Eastern Republic of Uruguay maintained a large number of condo or them, such as telephone new condo ANTEL, UTE electricity, water and sanitation and oil company ANCAP SBI, townhomes are enshrined in the Constitution in the name of autonomous entities and decentralized services, townhomes for sale and are often monopoly.In some countries like New Zealand were corporatized, ie properties remained state property on the company but its operation is self-sufficient in form like a ordinary private enterprise. condominium sale Most European countries the state retains many companies such as apartments for sale British or Spanish RENFE British Railways, the latter with the particularity of being privatized and then reestatizada. For structural reasons, most African countries also retained public enterprises. In the United States public companies were always short, so that the advance of neoliberalism as an economic doctrine did not involve many changes. The press that has come out on the condo project Barton Place i s located on Barton Springs Road condominiums sale Today, rental homes especially in Latin American countries, is experiencing a slight turn to the state economy. Examples could be the re-nationalization of the condominiums Venezuelan oil company PDVSA and Argentina Correo townhouse Argentino, a vacation homes descendant of the ancient Encotel. thanks for reading my new homes story.