Our liver is able to produce the necessary cholesterol for organism. Nevertheless, through the feeding, we can receive an additional amount of this substance that, in many occasions, is detrimental for the health, mainly for the heart. The origin of its increase in blood comes derivative, mainly, of the increase of fats insaturadas in the diet, coming from foods with greasy matter. What I must eat if I have the high cholesterol In these cases, once the doctor dectecta an excess of this substance in blood, normally he puts to the patient a retrictiva diet with respect to the fat ingestion. the specialists recommend not only to make a life less sedentary, but to improve the diet with increase of consumption of fruits and vegetables, rich in nutrients, fiber and without fat Also to ingest more foods with fats insaturadas like fish, chicken – without skin and the vegetal oils as the one of olive and those of seed (maize, sunflower). They do not have to lack rich integral fiber products, as well as cereals, rice, vegetables and grazes. All the foods with saturated fats are suppressed generally: red meats, pig, lamb, cold cuts, greasy cheese and butter.
The products with excess of sugars and calories also are eliminated (chocolate, baker’s shop, sauces, pats), as well as those that are direct cholesterol sources: the egg yolk, some products of casquera and the crustaceans. The excess of salt and spices also will have to be avoided. And with him, the conserves and preparations that abuse these condiments. Although they are not suppressed of the diet, is recommendable to moderate the consumption of coffee, refreshing and milky tea, drinks (he is better to resort to skimmed exclusively). Also, we must accustom to us to drink much water throughout the day and the necessary one in the meals, as well as chew slowly and salivar well. Independent of the diet, to smoke or to drink alcohol is other two detrimental habits that we must eradicate of our life if we do not want to have cardiorespiratory difficulties. For more information it visits All the information that we offered he is general by nature; it remembers that this information by itself, cannot replace the human cares of the health or services that you can need. We only offered an information service and of reference, please it consults the professional of the health that tries to him on any preoccupation that it has on his own health.