Paraguayan prisoners in the War of the Triple Alliance, photography of the Uruguayan journalist Stephen Garcia.
In the same way the experience of graphic journalism in Latin American countries has its roots since the beginning of photography since the mid-nineteenth century. Photo of experience in England, said the studious Liliana Martinez:
Given the complexities existing in cultural relations, environments, ethnic, political and social situations in general, the photographer in Latin America is called to study the situation around him, even before taking the camera in his hands. [26 ]
And it cites Zamora said:
? the Latin American photographers are in the need to be too ethnographers, sociologists and culturalanthropologists more often than European or North American photographers, who work in cultural apparently more homogeneous. (Zamora, p. 298).
However, for many authors such as Boris Kossoy Latin American photography of the nineteenth century is in fact a stage “European”, ie, was conducted from the perspective of the European and American experience and was categorized by them as exotic, so I think a stereotype of what is self and the image of the Latin American people before their eyes. This situation, unaware that even the enormous diversity of the Spanish and Portuguese America, serious primary for the development of a photograph that would seek its own authenticity throughout the twentieth century and serious contestatory of exotic European and American labels. Thanks to the great cultural diversity that make up the Latin American countries, Brazil and the Caribbean, Latin American photography is presented in reality as an immense universe and characters that proposals must be reviewed by country, but that so packed.
The first camera that came to a Latin American country did in 1840 at the hands of a religious French, Louis the Abad Compte, in Brazil. It is noteworthy that even in the photo as invention has to do with Brazil as one of the countries of the world where they lived independently of the experiment to the United States and France with the religious. The photograph comes at a time the continent season in which she herself is in the process of developing and Latin American countries who live their genesis as a national independent republics of European colonialism. His photo then would have to do much with the aspirations of the political and social image of what is expected of those nations themselves and working to portray characters, the diversity of landscapes and events that are now a rich history. In general, and as happened in Spain, Latin American photography of the nineteenth century was seen as an ideal medium for a portrait.
Many people associated with photography in Latin America show the great generosity of activity on the continent as John A. Bennet, Charles de Forest Fredericks, Thomas Helsby, Benito Panunzi, Eugenio Courret, Juan Jose de Jesus Yas, Federico Lessmann, Meliton Rodriguez and Esteban Garcia, among many others.
Anonymous picture of the War of a Thousand Days in Colombia.
Among the most important historical events in Latin America that were registered with images included the War of the Triple Alliance seen by the lens of the Uruguayan journalist Stephen Garcia. The newspaper El Comercio, founded in Lima in 1839, using the first photogravure the July 31, 1898 and opens up the experience of photojournalism at the seat of the Inca civility testified for the active number of publications to be submitted along century as the weekly illustrated News, the tabloid magazine Prism and The Chronicle that mark the beginnings of the history of photojournalism in Peru. Further highlighting the Courier (1871), El Peru Ilustrado (1889), News (1903), Variety (1908), the newspaper La Cronica (1912), World (1920), La Prensa, Caretas (1950), The New Chronicle (1970) and La Republica (1980).
Colombia in the early days of photography can be tracked from the decade of the 40 of the nineteenth century and as in many parts of the continent, this was initially entertained in the portrait of the middle and upper classes. However, the beginnings of the photo reportage in the country coffee were presented in precisely the registration of civil wars that swept up the consolidation of a centralized republic towards the end of the century. Special SHALL has Meliton Rodriguez of Medellin, whose work breaks with the pattern classic portrait photography and puts into every aspect of daily life in their region. Rodriguez became not only a careful observer of his surroundings, but that’s considered an authentic artist whose photographs are competing with the most careful compositions of the visual arts. The twentieth century market would be dominated by international talent from which Leo Matiz main job would be the photographic coverage of the Bogotazo On April 9, 1948 for Life magazine and where he was wounded.
- Albert Lea Tribune
The Lens and Shutter Photography Club met on October 16 at the Rofshus Precision Machine Building in Darcy Sime chairman. There were 22 members present. Mary Knutson was a guest.