Naval Health System

Naval Health System (Chile) On 2 August 1996 are published in the Official Journal of the Chilean Law No. 19,465, which establishes the “Health System in the Armed Forces”, and enables effective access of staff to the health actions in the manner and conditions provided by law. This is integrated into a single legal curative and preventive medicine for active and retired. It arises as a result of this the creation of the Naval Health System of the Chilean Navy, in charge of the Naval Health Directorate, in keeping with the basic concepts through to facilities throughout Chile. Naval Health System helps to maintain and restore health of its beneficiaries through actions of prevention, promotion, cure and rehabilitation of various diseases, both the active (official) and for pensioners (retired staff) naval and their families who are burdens, in order to deliver better health and can be given the resources available.The system reflects the concepts of solidarity, Continuity and Integrative Medicine.

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