Have depressive tendencies or anxiety disorders. Owning trend suffering from personality disorders (especially borderline, the 45.50 ) and impulsive behaviors / compulsive people with depressive tendencies, anxiety disorders, or tendency to disease of personality disorders and impulsive behaviors / compulsive often develop this type maintenance of psychopathology, which may be either the result as the cause of any of those emotional disturbances. In general, between 40 and 80 of all patients with eating disorders experience depression, which is also common in families of patients of these psychopathologies. Some experts argue that depression plays a causal role, particularly in the anorexia, and disorders that are rarely cured when administered antidepressant medication as the only treatment, but it is known that depressive tendencies are a risk factor for people to fall into mental illness related to food.Anxiety disorders are also common in eating psychopathology, as well as phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder, which usually precede the onset of eating disorders. Anxiety is mainly one of the predisposing factors for bulimia, whereas social phobias, in which a person is afraid of being publicly humiliated, are common in all eating disorders. Moreover, people suffering from obsessive / compulsive disorder are often prone to developing anorexia or vigorexia. Obsessions are images, thoughts, or recurrent or persistent mental ideas that can lead to compulsive behavior – repetitive routines, rigid and prescribed order aimed at preventing the manifestation of the obsession, which can lead to the emergence of an eating disorder. Thus, people with anorexia and obsessive vigorexia usually with exercise, diet and eating.Obsessive / compulsive disorder can be both a cause and a result of the disease, and also can be both. A person can start with a compulsive disorder, coupled with other factors, to develop a food psychopathology by altering the perception of the body, can increase the obsessive.