The Early Detection of Skin Cancer Save Your VidaNuestra population is among the more susceptible to injury due to little habit of health supplements using protective against the harmful ultraviolet rays. The statistic is liquid worrying network marketing about, so today is the day of the lunar seeks to prevent and / or early detection of skin cancer, as well as raise awareness about the risks of overexposure to the sun and its direct relation to this cancer disease that can be presented initially as a spot or lesion-like ‘lunar’ or formed from a preexisting mole. The campaign aims to teach people about healthy lifestyles and avoid overexposure to the sun, promote the use of hats, umbrellas, hats, appropriate clothing and if possible blockers to reduce the risk of skin affections, as well as the nutrition use of sunglasses health with UV protection to prevent the sun’s ultraviolet radiation cause eye injuries. Just as inculcate the habit of self-examination performed and apply products the rule of the A, B, C, D and E. A for asymmetry, B for border, C for color, diameter D and E elevation. If a person has asymmetrical lesions, irregular borders, which have more than two colors, changing or clarifying, of a diameter equal to or greater than 6 mm or amending, raise, grow fast, bleeding supplements or pain should go immediately to the dermatologist . The said activity is aimed at people of any age with skin lesions emerging or previously existed have changed and to present some of the features described. skin care solutions and weight management products are sold by continues to believe that network marketing is the most cost-effective way to quickly and effectively introduce its products into the global marketplace For health products dermatologists evaluated the medical campaign spots, “Moon” and skin tumors suspicious for nutritional cancer, for free, in different testing centers. This day care is vitamins carried out supplement in hospitals, clinics, polyclinics and health centers nationwide Sunday February 8, from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm, with some exceptions that offer pyramid this herbal service from 9 to 13 February at different times. Those vitamin interested in receiving more information phone 221-7990 communicated to CARE CENTERS ‘Day campaign THE LUNAR This list is longer than that offered by the Circle web Dermatologico into place (left weight loss image) EN LIMA ATE Policlinico Our Kids Sacred Heart business opportunity Hospital Mrs Vitarte II (EsSalud) Brenan National Institute of Child Health (MINSA) (From Monday 9 to Friday 13 herbs February 12:00 to 1:00 pm) CALLAO Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrion (MINSA) Hospital Sabogal (EsSalud) Cercado de Lima Hospital Dos de Mayo (MINSA) (From Monday 9 to Friday 13 February nutritional supplements 10:00 to 1:00 natural pm) Hospital Arzobispo Loayza (MINSA) (From Monday 9 to Friday 13 February 11:00