
In many cases the source of our distress comes from our relationship with others. It is somewhat paradoxical because when someone has depression also are advised to rely on others to get out of it. Personal relationships can be the source of our discomfort or the solution to it. But what happens to us when someone is upset with his behavior?, What could we do so we would not negatively affect the attitudes of others? From my humble point of view, most humans are egocentric beings, everything revolves around us. We are the center of the universe.

Anything that does not fit with our understanding of life is often received as a threat. We are missing. Here is the crux of the matter, empathy. We all know very well the theory but putting it into practice is another story. Empathy does not imply agreement but simply understand strange behavior and look for a justification of why the person acts like that. There is always a cause for behavior. The find and discover why a person behaves in certain ways is a skill that we should practice all. To practice empathy is needed calm.

It is very difficult to know when your lip biting spouse criticizes us something or act in ways that do not share. Stand five minutes to think why he acts that way. Maybe you can come to understand and support for all causes of bad behavior is based on an upset. If we practice this skill every day we come a long way in our rush to. There is an old proverb that says: Before you judge your brother, walk for two weeks in his moccasins.