It wanted to share with You some thoughts related to the reality of the Strategic Planning (Schedule). From my experience like professional of the area, working in Argentina. Perhaps they find points common and because nondifferences. It is good for being in contact with the enemy and for that we loved the communication in all expressions and the advertising activity is our profession, this it is a good point of contact. Sailing by Internet, I crossed the sample and event organized by the MOMA: Elastic Minds. The event, treatment on the relation between science and design, and the different forms that today exist to visualize, to produce, to generate and to manipulate realities or ideas through the technology. What attracted to me of it? What I always look for and motivates to me.
The options, the possibilities of generating new things from points of origen that at first do not have things common. And there I saw reflected what must be the work and contributes of the Schedule for the communication. In the last years dramatic changes in the behavior of the people have been seen. The spaces, customs, habits, activities, tastes and consumptions evolved. And to be agreed to the times.
It is not only to adapt to the changes. As it raises the sample of the MOMA, we needed to speak of Elasticity. elasticity, the product of adaptability extra acceleration. What differentiates to the Schedule Those that we worked in Schedule we must see the things of another way. We are the one who we posed the politically incorrect question, those that we defied the foreseeable thing. It is our departure point to generate new scenes of communication. We are the one who we must know the consumer and the changes that these generate. One is not to see that tendency is fashionable, but to interpret it and that is causing in the context and behavior of the consumer.