The function of the liver has an important influence on the work of other bodies. Because liver disease can be infectious, for their treatment requires accurate diagnosis of the doctor. For the treatment of liver diseases in traditional medicine is widely used the bark of barberry. To insist that a tablespoon of bark for 4 hours in a glass of boiling water in a warm place, preferably in the oven. Drink infusion of the bark of barberry in cup 3 times a day.
The course of treatment – 2 months. If you have acute biliary colic, the severe pain of helping tea from peppermint leaves. This tea promotes the outflow of bile and relieves irritation of the gallbladder. At various liver diseases using the following recipes Folk Medicine: gallstone disease: Mix 1 tablespoon of the celandine, and mint leaves, to insist in 1 cup boiling water and drink 1 glass daily, morning and evening. Pour 2 teaspoons of minced root calamus cup boiling water, persist for 6 hours.
Drink 3 times daily for 1 tablespoon. To display the stones from the liver, eat daily for 2 cups of red rowan, adding thereto, 2 dessert spoons of vegetable oil. Pour a glass of hot water a tablespoon birch leaves, infuse for 20 minutes. Should take 10-20 days in the morning and 30 minutes before a meal in the evening to cup. To gradually and painlessly dissolve gallstones, drink for 3 weeks in cup of beet juice. Drink it better after he could stand in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Cleaning the liver and gallbladder of toxins: Take half a cup of olive oil and lemon juice (without pulp) and drink at night. Repeat this at least 5 times within a month. Your gallstones dissolve and lead together with the stool. Jaundice: The present for 3 weeks in 1 liter of wine type "Cahors" 100 grams of dried leaves of stinging nettles. The resulting mixture cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Take cup 3 times daily before meals. Powdered herb wormwood cook in the soup and take internally. During the prevention and treatment of liver diseases is very important to follow a diet. Eliminate sharp, fried and smoked food. It is desirable to cook a meal, steamed or baked in the oven. In the case of acute cholecystitis or severe exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is recommended during the first two days of drinking weak tea and diluted in half with boiled water, mineral water without gas. A more useful to drink water, diluted juice of berries, fruits and broth hips.