Among foods of plant origin cabbage ranked third after the bread and potatoes. Simple recipes from it, have a high nutritional value. We know very many species cabbage, but the most common of them – it's cabbage, savoy, red, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and collard. In ancient Egypt was considered a delicacy and cabbage served at the end of dinner, dessert. In Russia, with time immemorial been a vegetable cabbage essentials.
For centuries it was customary after the harvest of cabbage head cabbage chopping to do everywhere, thus making the work in triumph – "skit." Cabbage is not only fed, but also helped heal many ailments. Cultivation of cabbage people did in ancient times, using it not only as food but as a miracle healer. Doctors antiquity were convinced that people who eat the cabbage, become stronger and less likely to get sick. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that cabbage maintains a calm state of mind and courage. According to legend, Alexander of Macedonia before the fight ordered to feed his soldiers snacks cabbage. Its usefulness is determined by the content of mineral salts, carbohydrates, proteins, various vitamins, organic acids, etc. Cabbage – a rich source of mineral , vitamins C, PP, K, U and easily digestible carbohydrates.
Protein cabbage full amino acid composition. Thanks to its balanced chemical composition of different types of cabbage are valuable dietary and curative food. One of the useful species is Brussels sprouts. She beologicheskoy value greater than other types of cabbage vegetables are full of protein, vitamins A, C, PP, mineral salts and other petatelnyh substances. Delicate and unique taste, brussels sprouts – delicious vegetable. Boiled, it upotreblyaetsya as a separate dish with butter, sauces or as a garnish. She put in a soup, dried, canned, marinated and zamarazhvayut.