TIMETABLE FOR SELECTION OF HORSES FOR THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP YOUNG RIDERS (CORRECTION NOTAANTERIOR) GERMANY 4-5 September 2010 EVIDENCE TO ASSIST THE NATIONAL COACH HORSES for shortlisting. 1-CRON, 13 MARCH 2-CORDOBA, 26 MARCH 2-Figarol, 10 APRIL 3-VALLEY Paulo, 25 JUNE Championship Spain JJJJ NOTE: – The participation of candidates for the Cron Raids, Cordoba and Figarol program is voluntary and the sole purpose of not having to decide on a single race. It would, therefore, positive that one of these races run CEI before going to the Championship of Spain. – They can also classify Preseleccionados aspiring horses. To the short list will be considered in addition to sports scores, the ability of the riders of discipline and adaptation to the team. The short list will be published the second week of July. Evidence to decide the selection will be done during the second week of August in place that will be indicated appropriately. Madrid 20/enero/2010 Francisco Yebra National Coach deRaid RFHE