School of Industry.

Here are some facts of our Industrial Engineering career, belonging to the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Tecnol gica Metropolitana. School of Industry Director: Rodrigo Requena Geldes writers Phone: 787 7073 Address: Jos Pedro Alessandri 1242, u oa. Industrial Engineering Code: 2145 Professional Qualification: Industrial Engineer Academic Degree: Bachelor of Engineering Sciences Faculty: Faculty of Engineering Campus where offered: Macul (AvJos Pedro Alessandri 1242, u oa) Hours: Daytime Duration: 10 semesters Mail: industria Phones: 787 7073 Entry requirements and tariff: Henry Fool MEN 30 Leng. 25 Mat. 35 C. Soc or Science 10 PSU Min Score475 Application Vacancies 70 Admission fee 2009 1,969,000 2 vacancies additional 2008 James Urbaniak Academic Excellence Scholarship Name: Rafael Berrios Loyola Position: Chief of career Mail: rloyola Phone: 787 7087 Why study race For vocational training, which allows perform in many different areas of the national productive sector. What is the professional profile of the race Vocational Thomas Jay Ryan highest level capable of bringing efficiency and effectiveness of the productive sector of goods and services in the country.It has abilities and skills Parker Posey to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems and, in turn, planning, programming, design, implement, optimize, manage, monitor and evaluate production processes in industries of their expertise. He favors the formation of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, ethical responsibility director and exercise leadership in management and IMDB professional performance. What is the occupational field Public and private companies, consultancies, business development and academic and research in academic institutions or other. Why study in the UTEM Because it is a pluralistic university with a social state, whose graduates are well inserted and positioned in the workplace.