Dr. 90210 Dr. 90210 is a series of reality show, which is about plastic surgery in the wealthy suburb of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, California. The series began in 2004. Dr. 90210 gets its name from the postcode of the core of Beverly Hills, the name may be familiar to many viewers because of the popular 90s series Beverly Hills, 90210. The show is produced by E!, But is broadcast on several cable television channels such as Style Network. The show focuses not only in surgery but also shows the personal lives of doctors and his family. The show is characterized by displaying a picture of the patients before surgery showing and explaining the problem to be treated, surgery with a quick description of the procedure by the doctor and the patient after surgery may determine the outcome. The show focuses on the life and practice of Dr.Robert Rey, a surgeon who works in Beverly Hills, but also during the course of the program are the other practices such as Dr. Linda Li, Dr. Jason Diamond, brothers Dr. Julian Omidi and Dr. Michael Omidi, and Big Brother 2 winner Dr. Will Kirby.