HISTORY OF SOFTBALL Softball is a modality that is regulated by the International Federation. It is a game which can develop very dynamic, a fact that makes it fun for those who practice it, whether they are novices, if already initiated in this sport, as well as for observers. For many decades, baseball remained unchanged in its power and undisputed favorite in many countries, but emerged from the womb with an enemy force that has gradually won sympathy and projected towards the summit with great force, it is the softball. It is not clear benefits of this sport, especially in fast pitch variation, which requires traveling faster, higher reaction speed and power in the arms of the players, baseball itself. Both disciplines are similar in their structural design, same equipment, gloves, balls, pads, referees, strikes, balls, hit, tubey, triple, home run, just as running the bases, but differ in the tactical concept, the distances between bases, time duration, the number of entries and how to launch and more. Softball in all its forms requires only seven innings and an average of two hours, sometimes less, to bid farewell to the fans, of course if there is extra innings can be extended a little longer. BIRTH OF THE ACTIVITY Nearly a century after its birth, some historians of softball not agree on the true story of the discipline.Some suggest that the sport was created in 1887 by the American reporter George Hancock, who adapted the rules to be played in gyms covered, pointing Ferragut Boat Club, located on Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, USA, as the cradle of this emerging sport. Hancock came up with a ball made up of a boxing glove while another grabbed a stick to beat him, some say it was a broomstick, and run bases painted with chalk on the court, considering the small size of the place. Soon the game spread to Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Denver, Los Angeles and Hancock was recognized as the highest authority of the discipline that the late nineteenth century. On 24 October 1889, in Chicago, he printed the first book containing the rules of the game, later adapted by Winter Indoor Baseball League of Chicago (Chicago Winter League).Appeared as the most significant rules that the ball should be formed by a soft substance (hence the name soft ball, softball) bat corresponded him two three-quarter length by one quarter inches wide, while the bases were 27 feet each other and the distance from home to second was 37.5 feet. There is another version in which Roger Lewis, a member of the Minneapolis Fire Club, sought a way to spend free time from their peers and created the “soft”. For many Roger is considered the “father” of the game. The stories explain that Roger himself with his hands built the first balls larger than those used in baseball. It quickly became popular brand new sport, but had trouble making the balls. Research indicates that 1900 was organized the first softball league in Minneapolis and six years later the rules were published in the capital itself. Softball indoor gyms leaves and goes out in 1913, so enter the way by being the popular sport it is today. Mattheus T. Caine, Santa Paula, the rules published in 1916, used in the league “Kitten League Ball.