The departure by bus by a Rgen Hotel begins with happy and expectant conversation of guests. After a cheerful welcome by the tour guide: “The early bird catches the worm, but if you sleep longer remains healthy,” Go ride. The tour guide then announces to the guests, the tour route. Moenchgut it comes to exploring south-east of Rgen and the peninsula. First we go to Putbus, the white rose city or town of Ruegen, because all the houses are painted white and rose bushes are in front of houses. It was built in the period 1810 – 1846, a splendid neo-Classical architecture. There is a circular space, the circus and the rectangular square. There is also the only theater of Ruegen, with some 240 seats. The 75-acre landscaped park invites you to stroll and linger. Also, the tour group enjoyed the morning walk in the park Then it goes to a district of the city Putbus, according to Lauterbach. Here is a smallPort with many yachts and excursion boats. When exiting the bus an already the smell of freshly smoked fish comes into the nose. Although the breakfast was just finished in the hotel, is the appetite for a delicious fish sandwiches there. The Joss stick “Berta” but attracts few visitors. The others make a small exploratory walk through the port. After 30 minute stop we will continue to Sellin. Sellin is the 2nd largest seaside resort on the island of Ruegen. Main attractions of this resort is the William Street with his clenched resort architecture, and the 394 m long pier with historic inn building. One looks at this building from the cliff about 28 meters high is best. Some brave climb the “ladder”, a staircase with 87 steps down. Others take the cable car lift. Again, we spend half an hour, then the journey continues Moenchgut on the peninsula. Our next target is the small fishing village on the southernmost tip Mnchgut Zicker. It says walking through the village toCliffs, continue along the ridge. The Rganer’re talking about the “Zickerschen Alps”. It has a beautiful view up to Greifswald and the island of Usedom, but also the northern view is interesting. In the small fishing port of small Zicker are just the fishermen here, puken the fish from the nets to “get, that means the fish, put on the web. Guests can not see enough. Even a housewife’s heart beat faster at the sight of fresh fish. “What a pity that we could take any fish,” it says, “so fresh, we get the out at home!” Is the hour passed quickly, stay and stomach announces midday. it goes to Goehren. Fed and rested will now be exploring the Baltic Goehren. Here, especially the redesigned Kurplatz is admired. Well look forward to all the ride with the “Orlando Furioso”, the nostalgic train. She drives us about Ghren on Ostseebad Binz to Putbus, to where our trip began. After almost aHour ride the bus waiting for us, which all brings back to the hotel. Josyann Abisaab Excited is told in the bus and found out: We have witnessed and experienced much. Complaints it is larger than we thought. You need a contact person on the island of Ruegen Gladly we are – the Rgen Travel Pilot – for you. Whether mediation of a hotel or inn room or an apartment or an apartment. We advise you! Phone 038393-33789.