Disciplinary sanctions and death threats Proceeds from the desperate pleas and requests for justice for the hundreds of relatives of victims of the regime, the situation was that the media began to internalize the facts and report to the public. Many media outlets were harassed, their directors arrested and even tortured, and many others were directly closed. The media who managed to stay open, whether foreign benefactors, or their own resources became the bulwark of freedom of expression in Chile and continued to give first timid, then openly and directly widening coverage to events in befell the country. These include print media as the weekly El Siglo and end points, and newspapers The Age and Fortin Mapocho, and magazines and Cauce Apsi among others.The latter Judge Garc a Villegas gave his first extensive interview, saying in a phrase in conviri cover, “Yes, torture in Chile”, a publication that went around the world and earned the first disciplinary judge by As the Supreme Court described as “violation of a gag”, relying on the general assertion that the judge conducting the interview. The sanction of a written reprimand fully agreed by Ministers of the court does not Achaia Palab Garcia, who sounded increasingly higher profile in the national and international levels. Immediately following the interview, the judge began receiving death threats at home, first by telephone and then through notes made with newspaper clippings.This earned an application for protection of the magistrate to the Supreme Court that resulted in the opinion of granting permanent police protection, which was interpreted by his supporters as a measure of “control” rather than protection for his person. Cinergy Health Since 1988, life changed radically Garcia Villegas. The press drove him to testify concerning cases of torture, was consulted for his opinion on other cases and situations presented in the country, there were constant demonstrations of support and affection but also to reject people on the street his superiors in the Supreme Court held him down with warnings of new sanctions if it continued its “inappropriate conduct” and were constant threats of death of unknown origin in the first instance at home and then bomb threats to his judicial office and against members of his family.Despite attempts from different sources to silence him, stoically endured the judge, he continued trying to do justice at any price, went personally to visit relatives tortured and gave them hope and comfort, insisted the figure of the independence of the judge in the which an entity that provides justice can not be pressured by either external or internal or her body, and sought by all means what he considered “Justice”. It was how he won new warnings of his superiors, specifically two: A written reprimand for his remarks this time to La Tercera and a suspension of 15 days of their duties by a statement that was intended to be used in the Gaza NO National plebiscite for 1988, which was censored and motivated the NO command not to issue its fringe fraction corresponding to that day.It was during this penalty, he received a visit at his home and the support of the Judges of the Court of Appeals of Santiago Hern n Correa de la Cerda, Luis Correa Bulo and Jose Benquis, all members of the National Association of Magistrates, who following This situation also were sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Proceeds from these disciplinary measures taken against him in January of 1989 the judge was described in the annual assessment of members of the juducial in “List 3”, considering his performance as “poor”. Pr cica In this meanta delay of at least 3 years of career development, so truncated, at 72 years, the natural next step to “Minister of Court of Appeals, the constituent categories of the Second Judicial Primary