On Wednesday 10/01/2007 at exactly 12:00 pm, it finally happened! "GetDietResults – Thinning with success," the book of the course is from that date have for anyone who wants to successfully lose weight. Even before Klaus Wolfsberg, author of the book and the developer of the online lifestyle management center weight loss program has to be GetDietResults be tested in his coaching program and the volunteers were enthusiastic: Alexandra L., 26 years: "If you are looking for a solution which is easily integrated into your life and really long-term work, then you've found your solution now. Klaus has everything written in a simple way of relaying what I needed to in my life. I have previously tried many things to lose weight, but until now have never had long-term success. Since I read and my GetDietResults of GetDietResults Lifestyle Management Center recommended program it implemented, has changed a lot. I see food not as a restriction and diet but I have learned to eat healthy foods andthus "passed" the weight loss in passing. I kg reduced during the first 6 months of 13, 9 and I feel great. "Or, Josa G., 54 years says:" Since I am a person who travel a lot, I have always doubted whether I ever managed My dream figure was reached. But after I had read the book twice, the next step was obvious to me. The GDR in lifestyle management center individually tailored program for me, I sat down at once. I now finally no more problems with my character and energy as never before. My body is tight, I have reduced kg in 4 months is 7.9 and the best part for me, I consider this weight now for 6 months! I've never seen before, something like GetDietResults. This is really a great thing. . Cinergy Health . "Get your copy of GetDietResults, step by step guide on how to get your feel-good weight and keep forever, and your personalized access to the Lifestyle Management Center, where your individualNutrition, exercise and nutrition program on the Internet at: GetDietResults – Thinning with success.