Since the latest time are investigated by the German immigration authorities sham fatherhood. In 1998, a child law was introduced, which implies that a so-called social father is recognized just like a natural father if the child's mother zustimmt.Im last quarter of 2005, however, a father of German nationality, at the request of the foreigners authority supported by a paternity test that he was the biological father of the common daughter – originally from Ecuador, the mother was obliged to leave at the time of this acknowledgment of paternity. But the father did this test to be unconstitutional and not for the task of the Authority. That a German children's ID card is the daughter of the Authority had "merely declaratory in nature." The whole matter will now decide this way. According to the Federal Ministry of Justice, a DNA analysis should not be introduced, but the authorities should have the opportunity to challenge a paternity "if neither of the recognitionsocio-familial or a physical paternity is based. " Apparently, this new scheme is only for bi-national and foreign parents is practiced, while a child is between Germans is not doubted. Also it is so that in the whole discussion a few foreign men who recognize the child of a German mother, a high priority. Children of German mothers, however, are generally regarded as German. This topic is not easy and must be handled specially. Unfortunately, the German public is no real need for information seems to have. Of a conviction on the favorable treatment of bi-national couples in the population at least one waits in vain so far. It remains to be the final solution is found.