Can not forgetting the fact that originated the policies provide incentives for nontraditional exports, preferably those with high added value. This period was marked by a contradiction in that confused the measures implemented to the experts, and cause distrust in our institutions. Current Reality When you arrival the current president Lieutenant-Colonel Hugo Chavez and the emergence of the Bolivarian revolution has been proposed to give life to which he has called Socialism of the XXI Century, has led to much economic turbulence, political insecurity, which has affected significantly in the country's business sector outstripping its production capacity, especially of products that is not oil, the main income, causing many companies, especially SMEs out of operation, giving rise to unemployment, lack of productivity, increased tax rates, dependence importation, supply shortages, high prices on food purchases, unrest, social conflicts among others. Weaknesses Venezuelan firms have been the result of the economic models implemented by different governments, as a result have been mostly reactive. The organizational structure of companies are more linked to reaction of the tax measures imposed that its relevance to the implementation of strategies for long, medium and short term. The fact that in the initial phase of the modern era and even today, are characterized by being less competitive, highly profitable, highly diversified and not very competitive. They have been very competitive because they suffer from modern technology, an aspect that has been neglected since its inception and has made the Venezuelan companies depend on foreign technology for its operations, it adds excessive government protection, and the inability to establish strategies that anticipate the changes that constantly holds the environment.
Also shows a great weakness in relation to human resource management, hence it appears, the cause of constant change, hardship and lack of vision. Another significant aspect is its poor financial health, especially given the turbulent reality of linking stage, uncertain, risky, that does not motivate investment. Still does not show stability by the state in the order fiscal and economic, especially now that there is a global financial crisis and falling oil prices. The companies have low levels of capitalization and therefore high levels of debt. There is an absence of a more proactive management leadership, visionary, trained according to the knowledge of modern management topics, the inappropriate use of administrative tools.
Rigid organizational structure, requiring a redesign of its administrative units according to the reality necessary to make them more effective. Give way to administrative systems more efficient, less bureaucratic, more productive. Inadequate production processes, costly, often with no guarantee of rates to ensure a good quality assurance. Conclusions It is very important that companies identify with their role, especially to unstable scenario like the one facing and step into action, plans, programs where all resources are involved, backed by an analysis and action where an expression management that is able to meet the challenges, make way for the changes demanded by the new changes and involve teams are well integrated, cohesive, committed, trained, trained to carry out their functions on behalf of the strategies, actions that will promote . Management should look, how to integrate and exploit the opportunities that the weaknesses of the state faces in the operation of the domestic business sector and engage in economic programs that enable them to act.