Leadership Styles This perspective focuses on the style used by a leader in dealing with subordinates: a task-oriented, and other employees. The task-oriented managers to lead and supervise subordinates to ensure that the task is completed to your satisfaction. Such managers are more concerned about doing the job that the development and growth of their subordinates. Oriented managers try to motivate employees, instead of controlling them, encourage the group to execute the tasks. To read more click here: Gunnar Peterson. Similarly, researchers from the University of Michigan-focused distinguish between production managers and managers focused on employees. The first organized tasks, ordering methods to be applied and supervised the work of subordinates. The latter encouraged their participation in setting goals and inspire confidence. Then came the “Gray management” and “Likert System”, these styles blend task-oriented and employees.
Managerial Grid proposes four main styles of leadership: The management style 1.1 is an “impoverished”, with little interest and production staff, the style 1.9, called Country Club, is keen for the employees and little production , the style 9.1. Called “authoritarian” or “tasks”, indicates great interest in production and efficiency and little by employees, the style 9.9 is a “management team” with great concern for production and employees. Rensis Likert Likert system, incorporating the categories of task orientation and employees, devised a four-level model: a system managers make all decisions related to work and they have little confidence in the subordinates have some freedom to comment, two system managers give orders, but the subordinates have some freedom to comment, the three system managers set goals and give general orders, then discuss them with their subordinates, and finally, the system looks for the organization in April: the group sets goals and makes decisions related to work.