The title is self-employed private medical insurance should not be construed as a recommendation. Under certain circumstances it is better kept for self-employed in the statutory health insurance, if this is possible with a voluntary membership. However, a voluntary membership in the GKV is tied to certain conditions. If one is self employed and separates from the insurance is subject to certain periods of insurance. Have existed immediately before the commencement of a voluntary insurance in the statutory health insurance has a continuous policy in a public health insurance of 12 months or if they were insured for at least 24 months in the last 5 years in the statutory health insurance. If you want to take out private health insurance as an individual, you face a huge selection of tariffs from different insurance companies. One should not only have an eye on the prize, because insurance companies actually form a community of risk and new tariff rates are expressed per erstmal favorable, sinceOnly healthy people are included and only much later will the costs. The advice of an expert may not have to be wrong. Here, the customer should ask is what was recommended and health insurance, such as the current price of health insurance. The question of how the insurance company has so far dealt with the age provisions, should provide the potential buyer. Good brokers have a computer program which can be compared in general, most companies and tariffs. The benchmarking should be taken up with the broker, point by point. Since the introduction of the EU Insurance Mediation Directive in May this year, an advisory protocol is mandatory. This means safety for the customer, because then the customer should make sure that is held, how and why the broker, this company has recommended them.