Statements in favor of the project Marcelo Tokman, Energy Minister: “From the energetic point of view, at least, should be incorporated generation projects in Aysen, there are projects HidroAys n and Xstrata projects. The reason from the energy standpoint, we consider advisable to carry out these projects are varied: the first is that it is a domestic fuel, which means be protected from this risk that goes with what happens with supply and prices international two, is a very efficient source of generation with significantly lower costs than conventional alternatives. (Source) “The power plants need them. We are demanding much more energy than it produces and non-conventional energy supply will not give. Therefore, projects that provide large amounts of energy are welcome and necessary. As necessary, hopefully move as fast as possible, but always fulfilling all measures required environmental impact.(Source) Edmundo Perez Yoma, the interior minister: “I stand quickly boost the construction of large hydroelectric dams in Aysen. (Source) “” We must, with all possible energy, the construction of the entire reservoir system HidroAys n. (Source) Sergio Bitar, Minister of Public Works: “If these plants were not made (HidroAys n), we have a greater energy deficit by the year 2013, and that could compromise national development”. (Source) “Chile needs to strengthen its energy and that can not be all coal, as we are doing today. Emission of greenhouse gases has increased Chile between ’90 and today, seven times and will continue at a faster pace. Costs of energy from oil, coal or gas are soaring, it is vital to progress in hydropower.(Source) Jose Miguel Insulza, OAS Secretary General: “Well, the first thing I would say is this: we have no real energy resources. Because he talks a lot of sun and wind and all those things but in reality development of these things require much money and the number of mills that you must have in order to accumulate sufficient energy in certain places is immense. So let’s put it frankly, the large energy resource that has this country is hydroelectric. (Source) Sebastian Pinera, RN presidential candidate: “We have to do Aysen hydro. “If I have to be my president, I will encourage the dams being built in Chile because Chile needs energy, but we are going to require these companies care about the environment, care for nature and the form of people’s lives Aysen. (Source)