MAICA LOPEZ patients and doctors denounce is sent to house the sick ahead of time. They criticize that he is a risk to the victim and the family. Some are two or three days in the corridors of the Center. Salut reduces hospital stay to fight the crisis. Before time. Some patients are receiving hospital discharge than not the medical of prematurely, as they have denounced Tuesday organizations of doctors and patients. According to the Secretary general of the Federation of health of CCOO, Carme Navarro, some physicians are sending patients home hurriedly, what poses one risk both for the affected family members who should be in charge of him and, sometimes, they don’t know how they act. In this sense, Navarro said that there is a danger that l patient need to re-enter because it worsens or because he suffers a setback in its condition.
Carme Sabater, Director of the Coordinadora d public Sanitat Usuaris (CUS) criticized the measure on the same line: If you It continues with this practice, may be a patient out of a door today and tomorrow have to enter on the other. This implies a higher spending, he argued. Medical and social criterion Sabater recalled that doctors should always give discharged patients following medical and social criteria. And described it as unacceptable that the sector’s professionals are pressured and accept these pressures. Professionalism must prevail above all. In this sense, the Director of the CUS also mentioned that since the Department of health had taken the policy of reducing the stay in hospitals but always bearing in mind that they are well. For its part, the spokesman for CCOO also linked the fact the new directives of the Department of health, according to which night stays in hospitals should be shortened. And he explained that there is an average day according to each operation stay and that at the moment that is exceeded, the patient is sent to House.
SABATER and Navarro urged to whomever is in a similar case to submit a complaint. The relevant claims, should be stated the Coordinator of the users of the public health Director, while the vowel of the Union regretted that people complain much, but at the end, they have no claims. They have signed so that they contain, he said. Emergency saturated addition, CCOO also reported that there are some hospitals that are saturated emergency services. A few days ago it was the Hospital General de Catalunya, this Tuesday has touched the turn of Viladecans, he argued. Navarro regretted that patients who must spend two or three days to the corridors of hospitals has and ahead of that, facing the holidays, the situation may worsen, because there will be fewer staff in active employment. Source of the news: Barcelona hospitals begin to give premature high