In accordance with Schall & Struchiner (2005) apud Thiengo; Oliveira & Rodrigues (2005, P. 69): … For being the AIDS a transmissible illness e, until the moment, incurable, whose indices come increasing in the entire world, it must be considered that the effective components for its control and prevention are the information and the education. Of this form, one becomes essential to think about the AIDS as an illness each more present time in the institutions of health, being indispensable to the professionals of health, particularly to the nurses to make use of knowledge and pedagogical abilities in activities with sights to the education, the control and the prevention of the transmission of the HIV. Thus, the educational alternatives with sights to its prevention must be pautadas in orientaes whose essence is the valuation of the life and the construction of the alternatives of prevention in a freedom climate, responsibility and solidarity human being. According to Breton & Camba (2006, P. 261): It is paper of the nurse, as educator for the health, to work stimulating the carriers of DST to the adhesion to the medicamentoso treatment and the change in the sexual behavior.
It must actively participate of the promotion and distribution of condoms, teaching the rank and divulging its effectiveness as barrier against the DST' s. The nurse must, still, participate of the detention of cases by means of the inquiry during the nursing consultation, guide and direct the patient for the treatment, to manage the therapeutical one and to follow the clinical evolution. Of this form, the professional nurses must reflect on the psicossociais aspects of the DST? s, so that in this way they are developed practical of promotion the health in such a way for the prevention how much for the adolescents who already had developed the infections. For in such a way, an integration of the nurse with the excessively professional ones must be had that composes the multiprofessional team in such a way, so that together they can develop the activities of promotion the health of these adolescents, leading in consideration the individual context how much collective (the THIENGO; OLIVEIRA; RODRIGUES, 2005).