One of the ideologues that a student suggested along with other leaders, the Constituent Assembly, which gave life to the Colombian Constitution in 1991 with a proposal for the Seventh Ballot , a National Constituent Assembly proclaimed democratic and participatory, the fundamental rights, the creation of the guardianship, prosecutors, ombudsmen, citizen participation mechanisms, the referendum, the plebiscite as well as Latin American integration and the defense of the synchronous orbit and geostationary strengthening the social state of law among other major reforms.
He ran for the proposed Constituent Assembly, but declined their interest in integrating the constituent body to support Fernando Carrillo and maintain the unit in the student movement that helped build.
Professor of Public and Private International Law, Parliamentary Law, Geopolitics in Latin American universities in different countries. Former vice consul of Colombia in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles, Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico attached to the Embassy of Colombia in Washington .-
Born in a humble home in Cartagena, Bolivar, Colombia, 12 October 1973, the son of an enterprising woman, Ana Mercedes Montanez, this character is one of those who have quietly contributed to his country, his knowledge of the State Social Law and International Law, 3 children: Jessica Mercedes, athlete, Wilson Ramon, construction engineer and Jhon Jairo, the latter Panamanian lawyer, legal experts in international trade matters. All beside his companion Martha Bonza with whom he has lived for 18 years and whom he met when he was still a student who suggested the change of constitution for Colombia
As a journalist, diplomat and professor, most of his life has been spent by his philosophy of love of neighbor. He was the creator of the American Network of International Public Law with more than 600 specialists spread across five continents
Resided in Panama City for 5 years where he founded the magazine 21 Milenium International and creator of the most advanced Internet portal of the bygone days: Panama, and after his failure as a businessman, returned to his homeland, where one step its worst economic crisis since many of their peers turned their backs.
Among his many contributions to society highlights the co-authorship of the first law establishing the National Reading Day in parks and Colombian prisons, known as the Law 1034 of July 25, 2006, in which the hopes will be applied as legislation in Latin America .
I put the chair for peace and coexistence from kindergarten to university to set up a child to the new Colombian man of tomorrow, with values, instilling civility, civics and ethics from an early age in preschool through college, applying to Fowler of being fair and tolerant society. His biggest frustration was when it was not passed in Congress, as when a state body charged to promote reading in parks ..
Proposed to the President of the United States Barack Obama, a Latin America with a human face diplomacy applied to the new world economic times, expects to be called by the White House to strengthen the team of President Obama.
His cosmology, influenced by his mother, has been framed within a conception that all religions are one and there is no reason for division among men, is so he made the decision to create its philosophical doctrine framed in Spiritualism, as tool for achieving increased to God, we are travelers on the World. There is a law eternal, unchanging as God Himself: the law of cause and effect, says ..
Long seizures and political conspiracies to identify changes had actually prevented the Colombians,to which a movement of college students, through their own efforts, dreams and desires, I’m supporting a national campaign known as the ‘seventh ballot’. This consisted of placing an additional vote, own in parliamentary and municipal elections of 1990, allows citizens to vote in favor or against an Assembly informal count Constituyente.El throw more than two million ballots in favor of the proposal and was finally validated by the Supreme Court, which led to President Virgilio Barco to accept an additional ballots in the presidential elections of that year (27 May). Is the foundation of the Court “The failure to cap the primary constituent power (the people). The 86 percent of Colombians will then decide by a constituent assembly to draft a new Constitution.