RIMAC Medical Corps – SMP – LO. BULLETIN BOARD COMMITTEE TO COMBAT THE MEDICAL – MEDICAL STRIKE MONTH OF JANUARY 2008 MONDAY, JANUARY 7: NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Peruvian Medical Federation Zero Day … In National Assembly of the Peruvian Medical Federation on Monday 7 January, the medical corps raised in the presence of the minister of health the need to solve the medical platform in this period: Implementing a Unified Health System as the governing body of the comprehensive sector policy Reject the decentralization of the health sector as an attempt to break up the Peruvian state responsibilities to the health of all Peruvians. Absolute rejection of “Soat” medical only Delas generate profitable growth away from private insurers to benefit the population, where only shall levy the costs of population Payment of Medical Aetas integrate the different regions of the country Approved with social insurance physicians (16 salaries per year) Equalization of the unemployed and retired as medical Labor Law Appointment of doctors employed. Was pulled the first product of the indefinite nationwide strike, with the ministerial decision which allow for the resumption of the contest directors of hospitals and health institutes, a requirement of the National Guild finger against the designation of health officials … Viva National Medical Strike! TUESDAY, JANUARY 8: GREAT MOBILIZATION First day of strike … Different medical corps of Lima and Callao provinces, concentrated in the square after Mariscal C ceres de Jesus Maria, made an angry march, through the main streets of Lima, culminating in a mass meeting in the middle of the glorious local Medical Federation Peru, in the presence of numerous national media and international, where the government demanded the immediate solution to our platform of struggle. At a press conference, the president of the FMP express congratulations to the regional offices for compliance 100 of the national medical strike, a fact which aroused the joy of competition and also generates a response from the government in a campaign media to discredit the Peruvian medical profession has no legitimacy or credibility, as evidenced by the survey of the different media. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9: METROPOLITAN ASSEMBLY IN HOSPITAL LOAYZA Second day of strike … With the presence of numerous medical bodies of Lima and Callao and some medical bodies from distant provinces of our country, was conducted in the metropolitan assembly Loayza hospital which agreements were: Start a decrease of bases in the various medical bodies, to to generate awareness in the medical colleagues. for phasing in the process of struggle.I notice is how massive and progressive increase of doctors in Lima to the national medical strike, who with their fists reaffirmed their will to fight. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 MOBILIZATION AND REJECTION FOR CLOSING IN BIOSECURITY MEASURES ESTABLISHING DIFFERENT HEALTH: Third day strike … In the Cayetano Heredia Hospital has reported a massive spread of Tuberculosis, 8 resident doctors in this hospital carrying 2 of them as MDR.